A Nice Monday Encounter

Wrightsville Reservoir, just a few miles north, is a favorite spot for Ginger and I to hike and bird. We spent a couple of hours there early yesterday.

Much of the reservoir is still ice-covered but kayaks will be out there soon.
The hiking trails have many side trails and large boulders.

As we approached the beach area, we were surprised to find this Bald Eagle watching us.

I saw a juvenile here last April – this may be the same bird a year younger.

Of course, birding with a dog has its challenges and soon Ginger came trotting along and the bird launched.

Lazily, it soared away, slowly climbing on weak thermals. I watched it for a long time as we walked on, until it was just a speck in the April sky. It’s always a treat to see a Bald Eagle and a nice reminder that there are comeback stories in birding.

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