Tag Archives: license plates

Signs – Part 1

As a late summer project, I have decided tackle cleaning up the thousands of images I have in Photo libraries on my MacBook. My goal is 1o discard 100 images a day — in doing so, I am getting to relive many of my birding adventures.

Along with images of birder license plates, I’ve captured shots of a lot of things seen along the way, such as interesting informational signs. Here are a few from the Southwest.

Scissor-Tailed Flycatchers are one of my favorite birds.
Laughing Gulls love to perch on signs. These are in winter plumage.
Same posts? Several years later — later plumage.
Black Vulture

This sign was in a little coffee shop in Texas, back when it was a decent state to visit.

Another Birder License Plate

A Twitter friend, @Birder_Katie, sent me a photo of her boss’s license plate.  It’s a cool one.

A cool birder plate on a cool car.

You can see some others here.  Do you have a photo of a birding plate?  Send it and we’ll post it.

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Birding License Plates

I met a Canadian birder last winter in Texas who had an interesting side hobby: she collected birding vanity license plates.  I decided to start doing the same myself, starting with hers shown here.

Of course, since then I have not seen many and if I do, the camera is stashed or Vermont mud covers the plate.  But this morning, I found a friend’s car parked and grabbed this shot with my iPhone.

Birding License Plate

So, I think I’ll crank this project up a bit and see if I can build my “life list.”  I know there’s a Pipit plate near here and just need to watch more closely.  Do you have a bird plate photo you’d like to add the collection.  I’d love to see it.

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