Tag Archives: Northern Shrike

Nemesis Bird – Northern Shrike – Yes!

This is my fourth year of birding and for the last two of them, I’ve been whining about not finding a Northern Shrike.  I’ve sort of whined in posts here and here.  A couple of days ago, I saw Chip and Larry, young friends of mine from the North Branch Nature Center, and I began again.  I noted to Larry that he was on my bad guy list because he keeps seeing shrikes and I never do.  He replied, “Dick, I hate to tell you.  I just saw one on my way to work” and went on to tell me where — up near my eye doctor’s office.

Fast forward a couple of days.  Yesterday, I had to take Mary up to the hospital for an appointment and had some time to kill so off the dog and I went in the truck to bird.  I headed right up to the spot Larry had mentioned, figuring it was another wild shrike chase.  I scanned the tree line way off as I drove in and saw a dot way off.  As I parked and got the glasses on it, aha!  Definitely a Northern Shrike perched at the top of a big birch tree, over a quarter mile off.  I watched a bit, took some long-range photos from the truck, and then got out to get my scope.  As I set up the rig, I noted that the bird was gone.  I doubt with all the coming and going in the parking lot I spooked it but it was a find — life bird number 355.  Here is a lousy image that I got from far away:

Life bird 355.  Hope to see it closer for a better photo.

Life bird 355. Hope to see it closer for a better photo.

After packing up and warming up frozen hands, I turned the truck around and up ahead, a small flock of birds flew right in front of me.  I turned into another lot, noting that they were snow buntings.  They kept moving away from me as I tried to photograph them through the open window – and of course, I was blocking someone coming in for an appointment.  I got better positioned as they settled along the driveway edge and was able to grab a couple of shots before a car came along and flushed them for good — off they went sailing across the snowy fields with a 20 knot tailwind.  They were a County first for me and County Big Year bird 19.    About then, Mary called to say that she was getting fitted for a new support boot for her broken toe and would be ready soon.  I think I had more fun than she but we both had successful afternoons.

Snow Buntings working the edge of a driveway.  County bird #19 for 2013.

Snow Buntings working the edge of a driveway. County bird #19 for 2013.

Northern Shrike — The Butcher Bird

One of the winter birds that I have yet to see and add to my life list is the Northern Shrike.  We’ve been away much of the last three winters but there’s also been a fairly reliable visitor, which we call the “Appleby’s Shrike,” hanging out in the trees near the popular Berlin, VT restaurant.  Most of my birding friends have seen it but for me, it’s just one of those, “Oh, you should have been here an hour ago” birds.  Close encounters during the winter months I’ve been around.

I’ve seen many Loggerhead Shrikes in my Southwest journeys  —  this winter, one of my goals is to see my first Northern Shrike here in Vermont.  I mentioned that in a Winter Birding – Bring It On post last month.

The shrike hunts by perching atop a tall shrub or tree at the edge of a field where it surveys the surrounding area for songbirds, insects, and small mammals.

The Northern Shrike is a songbird that is slightly smaller then a robin. They breed up up in the Arctic Circle of Alaska and Canada. During the winter you may find them around your feeder if you live in the northern half of the United States. Unlike the other birds they are not there for the nyjer thistle, cracked corn or other type of seed.

A predatory songbird, the Northern shrike sits on an exposed perch and watches for insects, small birds and mammals, or reptiles.  They do not have the powerful talons that raptors use to catch their prey — they grab their prey with their feet, and kill by biting through its victim’s neck. They will impale prey, sometimes while still alive,  on the barbs of a fence or large thorns. They often kill more prey then they can eat, which is how they received the scientific name Lanius excubitor, roughly translated this means butcher watchman. This species is known to pierce its prey onto thorns, sticks, fences and other pointed objects where it will either immediately eat its catch, or leave it impaled to be eaten at a later time.

The main field marks which help to easily identify the Northern Shrike are its stout bill which curves at the tip, and its distinctive black mask which goes from the base of the bill through the eye and to the side of its large head.  Generally speaking, its upper portions are gray and the underneath are an off-white/soft gray with a faint barring on its chest.  Its wings are black with white patches.  The Northern Shrike is a medium sized song bird, yet when it flies by, at first glance one generally thinks it may be a out-of-season Northern Mockingbird because of the similar coloring; however, once you see the curved bill and black mask you know that you have seen a rare visitor from the north.  I’m already looking every time I go past the turn for Applely’s.

Note:  Vermonter Tom Slayton wrote a wonderful article on Northern Shrikes last year.

Image by cheepshot

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