A Trip to Paz de las Aves

Well before dawn, we boarded the bus for a trip to Refugio Paz de las Aves, where Angel Paz, a local farmer, has developed a modest but spectacular birding site. We arrived early to see the Andean Cock-of-the-walk display on the lek and sure enough, we heard the raucous calls and saw the brilliant birds as we approached. The photos were tough given the foliage and constant movement but it was unforgettable.

Here’s lookin’ at you, kid

This place is sometimes known as “the antpitta farm” since Angel has gained the trust of some normally rare and shy forest species by offering them juicy worms. Here he is bringing out a family for us to see. (These birds are impossible to spot on your own.) 

Two parents and two youngsters showed up for a short visit

This female Masked Trogon sat just far enough away to make photos difficult.

The reserve has several fruit-feeding blinds where spectacular birds show their stuff.

Blue-winged Mountain Tanager

Angel, and several helpers, called in several other antpittas that they had trained to come for food.

Chestnut-crowned Antpitta in poor lighting

Rufous Antipitta

On the way back, we got our first taste of the fast & furious nature of a big mixed-species flock and this lovely Tropical Kingbird (TK in tropic birding jargon) just hanging out.