Cabanas San Isidro

After some last minute hummingbird feeder checks, we boarded the bus for another scenic but windy trek featuring trailer trucks and buses and blind curves and “watch for birds, not the road ahead.” Off to the south the massive peak of Antisana – elevation 18,714′ showed itself.

Shortly, a “stop the bus” called came as one of our best spotters, Liz, saw two Torrent Ducks cavorting in the rushing water. We saw dippers, sandpipers, and other birds as we lined up along the highway with scopes and binoculars in action.

Cabanas San Isidro is a sister lodge to Guango and has a wonderful array of cabins and trails in a very birdy setting.

On our first bird walk the next day, we came across this Quetzal who posed for us in the fog. It was a great way to start the day.

The lodge had some nice resting places.

From where you could see one of the “it’s everywhere” birds, the Chestnut-collared Sparrow.