Category Archives: Mexican birding

A Mexican Morning

In a lengthy Uber, Airline, Bus, and Taxi trip from LA through Mexico City, we arrived in Cuernevaca to visit a friend. I did some birding, mainly sitting in her back yard in the early morning, listening to strange bird calls and seeing some old avian acquaintances from Texas birding. Here’s the "sit spot."

There were dozens of Great Kiskadees and Great-tailed Grackles filling the morning air with familiar calls.

This large insect – almost hummingbird size, was making the rounds.

I saw several hummingbirds that I could not identify but this one sat, quite a ways off, for a photo. I’m calling it a Violet-crowned hummer.

During our one day there, I also saw a lot of birds that we see at home: Turkey Vultures, House Finches, Yellow-rumps, House Sparrows, and a Red-tailed Hawk. Then it was time to make the long trip back to LA. Note to self: Don’t schedule arrival on a Friday night in LA. Adios amigos.