Category Archives: Warblers

Common Yellowthroats

When I think about photographing warblers, the Common Yellowthroat pops up as an ongoing challenge. Everywhere with their “witchety-witchety-witchety” call they are usually buried in bushes and always on the move. This gives you the idea:

A female
Males have a neat Lone Ranger mask

Yellowthroats stay low so you avoid “warbler neck” while watching them. Energy-filled and easy to spot, they are a wonderful part of our birding outings. Here’s a video that is sure to bring you a smile.

May Outings

It’s a great time for birding here: birds are back and singing and flirting, foliage is just starting to pop, and it’s getting a little warmer. Here are some photos I took in the last two days.

Several Spotted Sandpipers are on a marshy area just a quarter mile from the house.
Black and White Warblers are noisy with the creaky wheel song.
Chestnut-sided Warblers are back and vocalizing.
This is a long-range shot of a pair of Wood Ducks and their chaperone turtle.
Two Grey Catbirds out back this morning.
Eastern Kingbird
American Redstart.

Birds provide a wonderful respite anytime but especially now. Good birding and good health to you.