Neighborhood Surprises

It’s cold and windy with a dusting of snow – I just took a short walk on local streets with the dog and left the binoculars and camera at home. Of course, five minutes from the house, I came upon a dozen Pine Grosbeaks feeding in some fruit trees – a place I’ve seen them in years past. Return home for the camera – and risk missing them, or dig out the iPhone? I opted for the latter and with the dog straining on her leash and wind whipping, I took some shots. Here are two – poor lighting, branches, but better than nothing.

We walked the short loop and returning, I saw a low-flying adult Bald Eagle cross just about over us. A quick look – saw the bright white tail – and it was gone behind houses, heading for the forest.

It was a nice outing for exercise, fresh air, and a couple of nice sightings.