Pre-storm Birds

We’ve had a Nor’easter forecast for a week and it’s hitting today. Yesterday Ginger and I took several outings and found a number of interesting birds along the river.

In an early walk, I surprised a few Mallards, only to notice that one was a diving duck. It was a first sighting for this spot, a Ring-necked Duck who was actively feeding for about an hour.

The Mallards were busy in the icy water as well. The second photo is some of them just ten days ago.

December 15
December 5

We’ve been seeing a Great Blue Heron nearly every day in December but yesterday, he was situated on our path blocked by brush. So you’ll have to believe me but you can see part of his beak and coloration, and his back.

This pair of Hooded Mergansers has delighted us — they don’t breed for a few months but they look ready to rock and roll. Enjoy

November Hangers-On

We’ve had a warm fall, as witnessed by the number of ticks on Ginger and the number of birds hanging around. Most migrating birds have left but I still hear a Carolina Wren every morning. Several days ago, I was on an early walk with the dog and saw a bird upstream, and returning a bit later with my camera, found this pretty male Hooded Merganser, hiding amongst the branches of a fallen tree. I suspect he’s headed out.

Today, I saw this Great Blue Heron right out back of the house. He was wary and flushed right after a few shots.

Camera auto-focus thrown off by the reeds — but you get the picture.

Later, on another dog walk, three Common Mergansers were hanging out just upstream from the house. Access because of brush was challenging but here they are.

It’s nice to use binoculars and the camera without gloves but I’m ready for some change. Snow tires are going on tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Hangars-On–Part B

As we transition to Fall with hints of color in the foliage, there are fewer birds and most are silent. There are migrants moving through and some locals who have yet to leave. Here’s a few shots from the last couple of days.

A few Mallards hang around, but most will leave soon.

I got to finish molting before I’m going out in public.

Hawks have been on the move for a while but I came upon a pair of Sharp-shinned Hawks yesterday. They had a major hassle going on with six or seven Northern Flickers, which I watched for about ten minutes. The lighting was poor but the action was cool.

Same tree, waiting for a rematch

The flycatchers are gone but some Eastern Phoebes are still here, wearing their yellowish fall plumage.

These young European Starlings will head out soon.

One of the fun parts of this season is to watch the youngsters grow up, learning their calls and songs, how to forage, and in general, how to be noisy teenagers. Gray Catbirds have been prime examples the last few days and this one just dared me to take his photo.

Hangers-On — Part A

As most of the warblers, hummers, and flycatchers have left for warmer climes, I’ve been looking for birds that are packed but not quite ready to go. Here are some from last week.

Note the leg band on this Veery. Aside from a few chirps, they are pretty silent now.

Ducks, except for a few hardy Mallards, will likely be migrating next month, just in time for hunting season. There are a lot of young Common Mergansers still around.

Likewise, Wood Ducks are out and about.

Most flycatchers are gone but the ones remaining are silent and still confusing.

To me, it’s a Least Flycatcher, or an Alder
Belted Kingfishers are still cruising the river but will soon depart.

While the avian departure is bittersweet, it’s time to recall past winter birding and the prospect of Hawk Owls, Snowy Owls, finches, grosbeaks, crossbills ……

Signs – Part 1

As a late summer project, I have decided tackle cleaning up the thousands of images I have in Photo libraries on my MacBook. My goal is 1o discard 100 images a day — in doing so, I am getting to relive many of my birding adventures.

Along with images of birder license plates, I’ve captured shots of a lot of things seen along the way, such as interesting informational signs. Here are a few from the Southwest.

Scissor-Tailed Flycatchers are one of my favorite birds.
Laughing Gulls love to perch on signs. These are in winter plumage.
Same posts? Several years later — later plumage.
Black Vulture

This sign was in a little coffee shop in Texas, back when it was a decent state to visit.

Last Encounter

Ginger and I went for a paddle the other morning and along with a noisy Belted Kingfisher and a few remaining Eastern Kingbirds and Gray Catbirds, I saw this cooperative Green Heron. I don’t expect to meet him again until springtime but he gave me some nice last looks from the kayak.

An Afternoon Surprise

Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting out back near the river reading in the shade, with Ginger on my lap. I was missing seeing the inquisitive Common Yellowthroats and aerobatic Eastern Kingbirds, and many others — it was bittersweet to realize that most of our summer birds are suddenly gone.

Movement caught my eye and two large birds languidly flew upstream, right in front of me. A Great Blue Heron and what — a Great Egret, passed by side by side, circled to fly back down stream leaving me surprised to say the least. While I see Great Egrets elsewhere, I’ve never seen one here — and especially accompanied by a heron who decided to peel of and perch in a big White Pine. The egret landed just upstream.

I had no camera with me but I gathered the dog, jogged up to the house, grabbed my Canon and returned — and took a few photos. I suspect both birds are on their way south today but that last look was very special.

Morning Paddle

This morning, Ginger and I spent an hour or so on the river, launching from our backyard with leash, paddle, and camera. Just upstream, this little Painted Turtle watched us but stayed put on his sunny spot.

There were dozens of Eastern Kingbirds chattering and feeding as we moved upriver. I love to watch their aerial antics — many were youngsters.

It’s interesting sitting in a moving stream handling the boat, the camera, and of course, the dog. I miss a lot of shots but it’s fun. Every so often, Ginger is antsy to move on.

I spotted this Green Heron, which I’ve seen before, up ahead and quietly tried to move towards it.

The current was challenging and the paddle spooked it and it flew off into the underbrush.

There were any groups of young kids around the playfields and wading in the river so while Ginger wanted to join them, we cruised back. It was a nice end of July outing.

Common Yellowthroats

The other afternoon, I was sitting in the shade down by the river, reading a book with Ginger in my lap. Several Common Yellowthroats were feeding in the bushes around us and having my camera, I quietly took some photos. I need to revisit these photos next February when it’s cold and grey – to remember how beautiful Vermont can be in July.