Patagonia Lake State Park

With brisk weather but bright skies, we spent a morning enjoying a lot of birds at the State Park.

Several Say’s Phoebes were out and about — this one puffed up do to the chilly morning.
Cinnamon Teals are common here but not always cooperative for photos.,
Vermillion Flycatcher
Same guy, different lighting
This hummer, which we think is a Broad-billed, came to another feeder and put on a brief display in the sun. Photographer was not ready.
Just as we were leaving, several Verdin, always a favorite, b bounced around the trees, calling away.

It was nice to get back to Patagonia Lake State Park, a true birding hotspot. I even saw the relatively rare Clark’s Grebe who has been hanging out there. It was also nice to bird in sunshine, with more coming.