Siskins – here and gone

Pine Siskins often arrive like shoppers on Black Friday morning (pre-Covid), chattering, jostling, always moving toward a better deal. I see them first in the recently-bare trees in the backyard.

Their twitters and wheezes are very noticeable.
They are an exceptionally streaky, small-billed finch.

They flock to the feeder and especially the ground beneath it where finches and others have left sunflower seed parts.

Twenty-two of a flock of probably fifty.
It’s chaos around the feeder, especially when you have the ISO set too low!
Like I said.

After several hours of frenzy, they were off, leaving the finches to carry on with relative politeness.

“Better load up on seed, they’ll be back.”

2 thoughts on “Siskins – here and gone

  1. Paul Hill

    Nice shots, Dick. Question: saw a few birds today in Montpelier, looked to me like whiskey jacks, at least that’s what I thought. Are Canadian Jays the same thing? Didn’t know if they would be in this area at this time.

    1. Dick Mansfield

      I don’t think Canadian Jays get down this far. May be Tufted Titmice which we get here but which I never saw in Middlesex. We get dozens of Blue Jays ever day. Nice to see you – stay positive- tough few days ahead.

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