Sunday Birding

I awoke to the song of a Carolina Wren, sort of unusual here — and going out to look for it, saw this trio in the back yard.

I suspect that the second fawn is hiding. Note the Joe Pye Weed in the background.

I did some reading on the back deck, watching the birds coming toward the feeder. We are getting a lot of youngsters and quite a mix. Here are a few:

Goldfinches have been numerous all spring/summer and some, like this guy, are simply stunning after molt.

Common Grackles show up in bunches — this appears to be a young one — no yellow eye and a little drab.

What’s not to like about a Northern Cardinal?

Finch – House or Purple? Their singing can be ethereal in the early morning.

This young Blue Jay is one of many who have boundless appetites and are constantly begging, doing their “wing” shake to get their parents to feed them.

We have a new “squirrel-proof” feeder which the greys have sort of given up on but the reds are still trying.

The other challenge is the Rock Doves aka pigeon who show up each day in droves. They generally go for the dropped seed but also try to get on the feeder, in a flail of flapping wings and clumsiness. I must say, they are pretty handsome birds — one or two at a time.

I looked up from my book to see this guy moving down through the reeds. We had a Great Blue here the last few years and he returned this Spring. After a surprise late snowfall, he vanished. This bird showed up months later and whether it’s our regular, or a newcomer, it it warms our heart to have that wonderful fisherman/woman in our back yard.

Slow birding is a nice way to spend a summer Sunday afternoon.