Tag Archives: American Robin

Cherry Hill – Part 2

As we walked a couple of miles alongside the reservoir, there was a quite a mix of birds. Here are more — some of the images are poor because of the grey skies. The first was this American Kestrel which we flushed walking in but was perched again of the same branch an hour later.

This Red-breasted Merganser was moving away from us.

Several Killdeers were foraging.
An uncooperative Eastern Bluebird
Double-crested Cormorant

My “helper” who like me, enjoys our birding outings.

Back Home

A lot of birds arrived during our trip to North Carolina. On the first morning back, I had a wonderful outing.

My first Vermont Gray Catbird of the year
This Mallard was spectacular in the morning sun
A Solitary Sandpiper
A Red Trillium along the trail

Many birds were singing including warblers (Yellow, Black & White, Chestnut-sided, Yellow-rumped, and Common Yellowthroat) and at the end of the walk, this American Robin was singing its heart out. So it made it into the photos.