Tag Archives: Chestnut-sided Warblers

Some Vermont Spring Birds

As the hills green up, often you can hear a bird but not spot it — at least open enough for a photo. Here are a few successful encounters I’ve had in the last few weeks.

Typically, warblers are bouncing around and in foliage, like this Yellow Warbler.

But, once in a while …
A cooperative Common Yellowthroat
A Chestnut-sided Warbler taking a quick break.
A more laid-back Veery.
Eastern Kingbirds often perch for nice photos.

One of the noisier and ubiquitous birds we hear is the Ovenbird with its distinctive “Tea-cher, Tea-cher, TEA-cher. They are small and hard to see. This one had a companion flitting nearby and had its mind on something other than the guy and dog standing on the path nearby.

Have a bird-filled, bug free June.

Chestnut-sided Warblers

The “pleased to-pleased to-meet you” song of the the Chestnut-sided Warbler is for me, one of the easiest calls to remember. On the other hand, the warblers, always on the move and usually partly hidden by branches and foliage, are some of the toughest to photograph. This group of photos from the last few weeks will prove it.

It’s a treat to see and hear these colorful visitors and they are indeed, pleasing to meet.