Tag Archives: Red-eyed Viero

Some Local Birds

Over the past weeks, in spite of the challenges of foliage, I’ve managed to see a number of birds who are easy-to-hear but hard-to-see. The best example is the Red-eyed Vireo, who persistently calls from high in trees, rarely moving.

This Veery was another, “usually heard but not seen” bird.
Alder Flycatchers are sort of the opposite – unless you hear them you can’t tell the from their Least/Willow cousins.
Goldfinches, on the other hand, are pretty easy to spot and to hear — just great birds to put some pizzaz in your birding day.

The other day, this bird was out back and lit in such a way that to me, it looked like an Orchard Oriole, which are rather uncommon here. Based on its song, I labeled it a Baltimore Oriole – still a nice summer bird.

Lastly, I’ll leave you with a shot from yesterday which captures the reason we love getting out in Vermont on nice summer mornings. This in East Montpelier off Center Road.